Wanted to tell you,

You were put on my path for a reason.

Thank you for every kind word you have shared with me. Thank you for every hug, every look in the eyes as you listened with your heart to my voice. Thank you for your comfort when I was hurting or confused, thank you for your support and excitement when I was inspired or had a new idea!

Thank you for your time most of all, as we grow older and life brings waves of change and sometimes distance, that time you shared with me is now more treasured than ever.

It may have been 10 mins, a few hours, an afternoon or evening, but every memory I can replay in my mind of you sharing Light and love, advice or understanding, a hug, a prayer. All these memories are gifts in this world we walk together, whether we are set apart or blessed being side by side.

If you are reading this, it’s because I’m sending it out to express my great appreciation for you in my life.

My best friend, my ex-friend,

My Friend now,

My friend in the past,

My mother, father, sister,brother,

My husband,

My sons,

My daughters.

The road I’ve traveled to where I am today has been blessed even when the darkness was a thick fog masking the path in front of me. The Lord placed you there with me, holding my hand and giving me the courage, hope, and faith to walk through that fog. And that darkness was washed away each time and still is to this very moment in writing this.

As I walk my path further now, with its new challenges, new twists and turns, I can walk it in Faith in the comfort of knowing God has always sent his protection through all of you and he always will.

So yes, this sounds like I’m talking directly to you because I am. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I can see how he worked through you many times in my life. I pray love, healing, protection, and blessings over you. I thank you with a smile, with gratitude in my heart, and see how blessed I am to have shared your path while on my own.

