Dollar Tree Piñata DIY

Hi everyone! I wanted to share a really fun and easy Piñata DIY for 3.00! Super Easy to do yourself. With 4 children of my own the birthdays and Party’s can come around pretty quick and although it’s fun to purchase a piñata for 23.00 and up for some of theses special occasions, it’s even better to save money and make them for all party occasions! And for 3.00, why not?

I bought my three supplies at the dollar tree. A bag of 3 punching balloons, a bag of 2 streamer rolls, and a bag of Flour. 3.00 total!


First, get your ballon blown up, shred some old newspaper or magazines into about 2 inch strips, and mix about 2 cups flour with 2 cups warm water to create the glue paste.

Second, dip your paper strips into the paste and cover your ballon. You can make 3 to 6 layers depending on how strong you want the piñata. I only made mine 3 layers thick so it would be easy to break open. Leave a small space uncovered where the rubber band handle is.

Third, let it dry overnight.

Next day, take your streamer, cut it into arm length strips, put glue on each strip and stick it to your balloon, again, until it’s all covered. Now you can use construction paper to cut and decorate your piñata into whatever you like. We made a shark so I glued on the fins, eyes, tail and mouth! Let it dry overnight.

Now it’s time to make a hole with a pin where the rubber band handle is sticking out from the balloon. Pull out the balloon and Put in some Candy! Now you can use some zip ties to punch a hole and tie on the zip ties to make the loops to hang your piñata from! Done with the piñata!

Thank you for reading! Hope this helps with a special occasion for your loved ones! I have attached the YouTube video here as well so you can watch me really make this shark piñata in the pictures!

Watch the video!😊



Home with Joey on YouTube

Wanted to tell you,

You were put on my path for a reason.

Thank you for every kind word you have shared with me. Thank you for every hug, every look in the eyes as you listened with your heart to my voice. Thank you for your comfort when I was hurting or confused, thank you for your support and excitement when I was inspired or had a new idea!

Thank you for your time most of all, as we grow older and life brings waves of change and sometimes distance, that time you shared with me is now more treasured than ever.

It may have been 10 mins, a few hours, an afternoon or evening, but every memory I can replay in my mind of you sharing Light and love, advice or understanding, a hug, a prayer. All these memories are gifts in this world we walk together, whether we are set apart or blessed being side by side.

If you are reading this, it’s because I’m sending it out to express my great appreciation for you in my life.

My best friend, my ex-friend,

My Friend now,

My friend in the past,

My mother, father, sister,brother,

My husband,

My sons,

My daughters.

The road I’ve traveled to where I am today has been blessed even when the darkness was a thick fog masking the path in front of me. The Lord placed you there with me, holding my hand and giving me the courage, hope, and faith to walk through that fog. And that darkness was washed away each time and still is to this very moment in writing this.

As I walk my path further now, with its new challenges, new twists and turns, I can walk it in Faith in the comfort of knowing God has always sent his protection through all of you and he always will.

So yes, this sounds like I’m talking directly to you because I am. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I can see how he worked through you many times in my life. I pray love, healing, protection, and blessings over you. I thank you with a smile, with gratitude in my heart, and see how blessed I am to have shared your path while on my own.



Do Right Today!

Today is a blessing. You awoke this morning with a new day and a new opportunity to do what it is that may rest on your heart.

It could be as easy a day as a morning cup of coffee and a delight in the sweet warmness it sheds as you take your first drink.

It could be as hard a day as a morning cup of coffee and trying to take delight in the first drink, though cold, still containing the caffeine you may be needing for the little boost to get the morning going.

In either situation, you have the power to take that small gift, however served, and start the day awake. And now awake you have the opportunity to go forward in the day as a blessing simply by being your best you today.

It sounds so simple…but can really be hard to do when we’re tired, sore, hurt, sad, scared, stressed…but listen.

We can do what’s so important and true and realize and remember every day we are amazing.

We all have a gift, a talent, a passion, a light inside that we don’t even realize helps others in our day to day when we are simply, happy. We can challenge ourselves to be our best no matter what it is going on around us, we can take that attitude of light and share that love through the day in kindness, in sharing a smile, a patient listen, a quiet mouth, lol.

We all have challenges and struggles and battles going on in our lives that only we know about ourselves. We don’t know what someone else is going through as they have their morning cup of coffee or can not have a morning cup of coffee. We don’t know what others woke up to in thought this morning or any morning. But because we simply have another day awake, we can be thankful for that.

Today is another opportunity to be kind to you, love you, realize the good you share simply by being content and happy in your own heart. Create what’s on your heart to share, no matter what that may be. Take time for you to pray, write, sing, dance, decorate, craft, build, record, heal, pamper, or relax. Start what’s on your heart that brings your amazing self some comfort and happiness. When you can do that today, it reflects outward without you even seeing it. We are not promised tomorrow, so do right…today.

Thank you for reading😊,


Know my Heart

When your heart is in the right place… it’s from there, that good things can manifest into our world.

Don’t get discouraged when your heart leads you to share, create, heal, or grow, and your met with a wall, a disapproving word or pessimism.

Do what’s in your heart in spite of it. When we get on our path or start something we feel can help ourselves grow into a better person or were in a place we can help others or just want to share a random act of kindness, a lot of times, we are met with opposition. We receive sarcasm instead of encouragement, we doubt the idea, sometimes we’re even met with anger or really rough situations occur in our lives that distract us.



When we send kindness forward and follow through, the darkness will naturally come like a bully to see if we will step back and run away. But stand up to that bully. Make the bully run and feel the defeat in your courage to accomplish your idea, your dream, your goal, whatever it is in your heart!

Say a prayer…

Psalm 123:23 Search me God, and know my heart.

The start on your idea and your light will come to fruition. Just have Faith and follow through.

Don’t give up, don’t let it go, don’t stop doing good in the world, we all need the light you reflect on us when your shining!

Thanks for reading❤️😊



Love you Love others

Stop allowing others to mistreat you, to hurt you, to take advantage of you or use you.

We need to guard our hearts and love ourselves first, so that we can reflect that light of healing and love through ourselves out to others.

As children we loved ourselves by what felt good and bad and pushed the bad away by using body language or our voices. Cry, Cry,Cry!

Remember what it felt like to just be happy with a toy or game? Or the comfort from a parents or loved ones hug? It was easier then to walk away or run from whatever kids we didn’t like or play with because they were mean to us or stingy or what not…. and we had our parents to teach us to do so.

I teach my children that today. I remind them that they have the power to walk away and play with the kids who are nice to them, who are playing a game they enjoy as well. They do not have to stay and be treated bad or ignored by the children who are acting cruel to them. I tell them how fun they are to laugh with and share time with and that they should share their gifts and happiness with kids who are nice to them and appreciate that happiness and that guess what? It makes those kids happy too and that is what makes good friends and good friendships.

We forget this sometimes growing up and living life. But we need to remember it and I’m here as someone loving herself and sharing with you reading this…

You are worth being treated so good, with respect, kindness, equality, and healthy nurturing and mutual love. When your light is being dimmed because of cruelty, ignorance, jealousy, etc.., you can feel it hurt, just like when we’re kiddos. It’s ok to take a step in defending your own heart and getting distance from whatever or whoever is draining you. Sometimes it is scary and may cause anxiety to stick up for yourself but it’s loving yourself and worth it to say a prayer and put an end to what’s taking away from your life instead of allowing things to stay the same.

When you love yourself and are happy, you do more of what makes you happy, and that energy is shared with others naturally. When you are joyful in your heart you can be thankful for the blessings you have in your life and without even knowing it, when someone sees you pursuing your happiness, it encourages them to grow and do the same.

Galatians 5:14

Love others as you love yourself❤️ It comes naturally when you love yourself first❤️

Thank you for reading,



Kindness has converted more people than zeal, science, or eloquence. A little excerpt from the book, Gods Little Instruction Book💕.

I think we all see in just day to day living, our busy society has produced a lot of hurry, stress, anger, and don’t care about others.

Even good hearted people can get caught up in the hustle and impatience of a day.

I was at a stop light today when my son started yelling “Hi Kid!”, Out the window to a little girl about 4 years old at the crosswalk with her mom. I could see the little girl look up and with big eyes wide, she smiled like she knew him and waved at us as we drove away. Her kind smile made me smile as my son yelled with excitement,”That kid tell me hi mom!”

His kindness received and then returned reminded me of the power we have when we take a minute to just be genuinely…nice. Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder to remember to share that with each other in our lives when we are in remote control. It can not only bring a smile to someone else’s day, it can bring a smile to ours as well. I have this faith that what we share in love and kindness can be contagious. And then when we least expect it we’re like that little girl, jolted alert as someone plants that same seed of kindness like my son did.😊 So, HI EVERYONE WHO READS THIS! I hope that if you’ve been feeling ill, your healing, if you’ve felt tired or sad, that the new day brings energy and optimism ❤️

I write this with a big smile and I hope you are having a beautiful day, night, and life! via

Saying Goodbye to Elf on the Shelf 2017/2018

I don’t know about your little ones but mine tend to get a bit sad when Pumpkin the elf goes home to the North Pole with Santa for the new year.

Our elf returns home with the packing away of our Christmas tree in our home and I had a son who shed a few tears talking to his elf as he said goodbye as I packed away ornaments from our tree.

So I had an idea to share with my kiddos, why not one more last little gift with a long letter from their Elf? It gave me a chance to set some nice New Years goals for my children as well as comfort their feelings with a happy SEE YOU NEXT YEAR FAREWELL FROM YOUR ELF ON THE SHELF!

Anyone can do this for their kids cause it’s super easy and cheap and you can personalize your little ones goals in the letter.

So I found a few clearance Elves with candy at the grocery store. ( There were also some elves on clearance at dollar tree). They were only 2.00 each and perfect as a fun see you next year gift. It was so easy to just set each one out with a letter telling the kids the elf would miss them and also left a list of things to work on this year.

Our list included being kind to each other, remembering to do their chores, trying extra hard in school to get good grades, Prayer before bed, and one act of kindness every month with us, their parents, for others.

So the kids woke up to a New Years surprise and smiles and I felt good cheering them up, spoiling them a little bit, and getting them started on something fun and inspiring for the new year. Great start for the January new year, a gentle goodbye and happy hello to 2018.

Thanks for reading😊

Getting Started

pexels-photo-189349.jpegWhere do I start? To make a long story short, after tons of time lost getting a mental plan together, then more time lost watching videos, then more lost trying to put things together in an organized fashion, I forgot to start.

I believe a lot of people get lost in this cycle if they’re anything like me and then run out of momentum to get started on whatever it was they were inspired to do in the first place.

So I’m doing what I see other beginners do. Just jumping in and getting started. Started with a blog I need to still plan, started with videos to share on social media, started journaling, starting a weight loss journey and reading the Word like I wanted. I’m getting started now so I don’t loose the momentum in just planning it and loosing it in my thoughts.

We all have a purpose, we all have something to share that can inspire others to do the same. If we could all just get onto the platform and share what’s in us, what we feel, what we think, what we’ve struggled with, suffered with, what we’ve learned, what we’ve overcome, it could find who needs to hear it, read it, see it. And maybe those that receive what you shared would receive the light and be inspired to do the same, share that light, that purpose, that idea, that thought, that experience in life that could then again, reach others and grow again and again.

It could be anything, there is no limit no rules to what it is you are here to share. I’ve come to learn this on my own from watching others on social media step out of the shadows and just start sharing. I see there are uncountable numbers of people who are already comfortable and experienced at sharing a gift and that should inspire us, don’t let it stifle or snuff out what you can send out to others as well. We all need to start somewhere right? SO JUST GET STARTED!

It’s a new year, a new day, a new week about to begin, a new chance every moment for us to just get started. Share your purpose, share your journey, share your ideas, your self, above all, share your light. I am getting started right now.

I’m getting started sharing my light and hoping to watch it grow and light a path for others to do the same. I welcome the light back home to me through others getting started, and sharing just that…. Getting Started.